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Kevin and Amber Tribute! 1956

Today's vintage images are dedicated to Kevin and Amber B., who actually found the slides while we were all at a paper collectibles show earlier this year! I'm only posting two today, but there are more to come.

This first one is my favorite of the whole bunch; it's a great shot of the castle, with relatively modest Christmas decorations applied. A few wreaths and some garlands, that's all! The ice cream vendor isn't very busy on this winter day (though, let's face it, ice cream is a year-round treat). Probably what I like most about this photo is the people - and their vintage clothes. So awesome! There are a few kids in the picture, but as is often the case, it is mostly adults populating the park.

While I liked the slightly faded look of the first scan, I wanted to do a bit of color-correction just to show you all what a difference it makes. Not many images appear on GDB without at least a little bit of help from Photoshop! The hues are certainly more vibrant and pleasing.

Meanwhile, over in Frontierland, the day has become cooler and grayer. The top of the petrified tree is in the foreground, while a fully-loaded raft to Tom Sawyer Island is ready to head back to the mainland. The Mark Twain can just be seen through the trees, and just to the left of the mill, people are waiting for the next Keel Boat. The white fencing is always a good indicator of an early Frontierland image.

THANKS to Kevin and Amber for finding these slides!

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