I think she's right, because I continue to be gobsmacked.
Last year, I blogged on the fetus fetishists' descent into race politics.
They're at it again, focusing on African Americans and Latinos, as having disproportional abortion rates because they are targeted by the abortion 'industry' because the abortion industry is engaged in enthusiastic genocide. (I'm getting sick of the quotes. Take 'em as read.)
These operations usually have an organization or individual belonging to the targeted group as front men. So, natch, they couldn't possibly be racist, could they?
So, how 'bout this new one, fans of equality?

ALCU says:
No matter how you feel about abortion, we should all be able to agree that a black woman who has had an abortion should not be singled out and degraded like this as a means of advancing an ideological agenda. From forced sterilizations to the experiments at Tuskegee, there is a long and disgraceful history in this country of regulating and exploiting black women's and men's bodies and basic dignity. By suggesting that black women and families cannot be trusted, and their decisions about childbearing must be regulated and controlled for their own good, these billboards are a part of the same pattern of denigration and oppression.
Nah. Not racist, atall atall.
Wait. It gets worse. What follows makes NO sense. (Though I'd be grateful if someone hit me with a clue-bat.)
I've been meaning to write about a spate of anti-abortion films, and I may yet, but news of this one is smacking me in the gob again.
It's called 'Gates of Hell' and here's the plot synopsis with a trailer there too.
Three years in the making, "Gates of Hell" is a documentary from the year 2016 that chronicles the crimes of a band of domestic terrorists known as the Zulu 9. Finnish filmmaker Ani Juva travels to the United States to better understand the mysterious black power assassins, the unexpected eugenics conspiracy theory that drove them to commit extreme acts of violence and how America's political landscape was transformed overnight. Blending real history and real public figures with a fictitious (yet plausible) future, it is safe to say that you have never seen a film like "Gates of Hell".
Hell, indeed. I can barely imagine a film like that.
OK. Work with me.
In revenge for the abortion genocide perpetrated on African Americans, a gang of black power assassins targets abortion providers, resulting in extreme acts of violence. Dutifully and graphically portrayed, no doubt.
And this transforms the political landscape 'overnight' and Bingo! Presto! Abortion is ended.
Where to start?
First, has there ever been an African-American anti-abortion terrorist? The ones I know about have all been dweeby, pathetic, white male losers.
Projection, anyone? 'The blacks made me do it'? 'I did it for the black babies'?
Next, the actual dweeby pathetic white male loser assassins are NEVER called assassins by fetus fetishists. They're misguided loners. NOT, NO HOW, NEVER associated with ANY anti-choice group. They are smartly backed away from by the FFs.
But fictional African Americans who do the same thing are assassins. Not just assassins, but black power assassins. They commit crimes. They are domestic terrorists.
Butbutbut, they're good guys. They 'transform' USian society by killing abortion providers, some of whom must be non-African-American.
So. A race war in defense of the pre-born is a Good Thing.
I'm totally lost. There must be dog-whistles here. But they are obviously not aimed at me. Or sane people in general.
ADDED: You GOTTA read commenter Niles's deconstructions in the comments!
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