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WUGAZI: Coming Soon to a Soundsystem Near You!

"It gives us great joy to unveil the first song off of an homage project that is quite close to all of us here at Doomtree: WUGAZI (That's Wu-Tang Clan and Fugazi, in case you were born after the year 2000). Many more details will be trickling out over the next 2 weeks... But for now, click on the image below and be one of the first to check out the awesome "Sleep Rules Everything Around Me," the first leak off of 13 Chambers. Perfect for 4th of July BBQ's.
WUGAZI - 13 Chambers, 7/13/11. Help us spread the word."

- Cecil Otter & Swiss Andy @ Doomtree

WUGAZI - "Sleep Rules Everything Around Me"

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